Take full advantage of our practical and clearly presented seminars for safety assessors.
Keep up to date:
Our seminars serve to regularly supplement your basic knowledge.
Stay in practice:
In our seminars, practical examples are worked on in group work.
Stay in touch:
Our seminars serve as an ideal networking platform for you, the safety assessors.
Current Seminars in English
At present, the following seminars in English language are available.
Our web seminars are held live on specific dates, but are also available “on demand” as recordings at any time thereafter. The following seminars are currently available for booking:

11th Seminar for safety assessors in conjunction with HPCI CEE
24 September 2025
Warsaw, Poland
In English language
Supported by the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry (PACDI) and the Polish Union of the Cosmetics Industry (PUCI)
22 September 2021
Topics: • Purity of raw materials • Oral exposure to decorative cosmetics • Use of alternative methods • Safety assessment of nanomaterials
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs): The TTC Concept
Recording of 23 June 2021
This web seminar will address the concepts of Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) and Inhalation TTC for risk assessment of substances with little or even no experimental data, and will demonstrate how exposure based waiving can be applied within the skin sensitisation NGRA framework.
Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA)
November 2020
The Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) Seminar in cooperation with Cosmetics Europe provides an introduction into a new way of thinking about safety, novel approaches and methodologies that do not use animal data.
Supported by the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry (PACDI) and the Polish Union of the Cosmetics Industry (PUCI)
Recording of 07 October 2020
Topics: • Is Lack of PoD Value Always a Problem for Risk Assessment? • Analogy Considerations/Weight-of-Evidence Approach • In-Silico Methodology • Baby Skin
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“Safety Bits” – short online seminars (in German language)
Current topics in the field of safety assessment
- Short online seminars (60 to 90 minutes)
- 2 presentations, followed by discussion
- 1/3 seminar point for the recognition of the certificate “DGK Safety Assessor”
- Costs: 50 EUR per participant (authorities free)

Event Reports

First Seminar for Safety Assessors in South Africa
For the first time DGK and IKW together with the South African Cosmetics Association CTFA offered such a seminar on 05 September 2019 in Johannesburg on the occasion of the HPCI conference. The interest of the approximately 100 listeners in the presentations was great ... read the full report.

20 Years of Education for Safety Assessors
Scientific Symposium on 11 April 2018 in Frankfurt am Main – How do safety assessors ensure that cosmetic products are safe in terms of health? How are the methods for the scientific assessment of contact allergies to be classified? ... read the full report.