Training Courses
Benefit from our comprehensively revised and constantly updated current advanced training courses for safety assessors.
Top-class experts from universities, authorities and industry impart interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of chemistry, toxicology, dermatology and cosmetics law.
Earn final certificates for each successfully completed advanced training course and lay the foundation for the additional qualification “DGK Safety Assessor”.

Online Training Courses in English
The training courses are currently only available as online courses in English and are an equivalent alternative to the on-site training courses:
• Principles of the safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients and finished products • Exposure • Anatomy and physiology of the skin • Dermal penetration and bioavailability • Notes of Guidance of the SCCS
• Skin irritation • Toxic-irritative effects • Allergic skin reactions and allergens • Pre-clinical and dermatological testing of skin compatibility • Advertising claims and safety assessment
• Introduction to toxicology • Mechanisms of toxic effects • Test methods in toxicology • Systemic toxicity • Risk assessment • Sources of information / SCCS guidelines • Safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients • Possible poisoning by cosmetic ingredients
• Effect of the organism on foreign substances and of foreign substances on the organism • Biotransformation and biokinetics • Structure and function of metabolic organs • Structural elements relevant to biological effects • In-vitro and in-vivo models for the investigation of metabolic reactions
• Basics of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis • Test systems for the detection of genotoxic or mutagenic effects • Test strategies for evaluating the genotoxic or mutagenic potential
• Anatomy of the genital organs • Hormonal control of reproduction • Human developmental biology • Experimental reproduction toxicology • Endocrine disruptors • Assessment of cosmetic raw materials: evaluation and interpretation of test results
• Microbiological safety assessment • Implementation and significance of microbiological tests • Variants and assessment of the preservative efficacy test • Microbiological purity requirements for cosmetics • Microorganisms: contaminants and health hazards • Risk assessment
Background Information
Following the publication of the 6th Amendment to the EC Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC, manufacturers or distributors of cosmetic products were required for the first time to make available safety assessments for their end products.
In the meantime – with the entry into force of the EC Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 in January 2010 – the requirements to be met by the safety assessment were specified in more detail and concretised (see also Appendix I of the Regulation).
For the elaboration of the safety assessment the legislator has specified a certain group of persons. Article 10 of the EC Cosmetics Regulation stipulates in Section 2:
Such an education is, however, as a rule not sufficient. For the competent assessment of the safety of cosmetic products interdisciplinary knowledge is required, in particular in the fields of chemistry, toxicology, dermatology and (cosmetics) law so that the corresponding person must engage in specific continuing education in these fields. DGK developed, together with IKW and university experts, continuing education courses for safety assessors for the first time in 1998. The structure and the content of the courses were extensively revised and updated in 2006. More emphasis was placed on their orientation towards practice. The lecturers for these courses are highly qualified experts from the respective disciplines from universities, public authorities and industry, including, for instance, several members of the Cosmetics Commission of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and the EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).
The regularly offered cycle of courses consists of seven individual courses of two days in each case. At the end of each course the learning contents are checked by a written test (participation on a voluntary basis). In this connection 18 of 24 questions must be answered correctly. A corresponding certificate for the attended course is then issued. After successful participation in all individual courses, overall participation is confirmed.
Individuals who, in addition to successful participation in all seven courses of the training cycle, have attended seminars for safety assessors (organised by DGK/IKW and its partner organisations) three times in the last three years can - provided that they provide evidence of education in accordance with Article 10 (2) of EC Cosmetic Products Regulation 1223/2009 - obtain the "DGK Safety Assessor" certificate upon application. The certificate is valid for five years and can be extended by proving attendance of further seminars or other training events relevant for safety assessors (further information).
Until further notice, the courses will be offered exclusively as online trainings in English. German-language on-site courses are expected to be offered again from spring 2022. Get the latest updates with our DGK/IKW Newsletter.
A preview video gives interested parties a first impression of the web trainings: