International Cooperations
Click on a country or region on the map below to know more about our cooperations.
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Organisation: CANIPEC
Country: Mexico
Description: CANIPEC is a non-profit professional organization formed by the National Chamber of the Cosmetic Products Industry founded in 1978 and the National Association of the Household and Personal Care Products Industry founded in 2011.
We represent and offer services and support to the Personal Care and Home Care Industry in Mexico, creating communication bridges between companies (manufacturing and distribution companies), authorities and consumers, understanding industry’s needs and interests through reliable query mechanisms as well as excellent services, generating creative and proactive solutions and making them happen.
Organisation: CASIC – Council of the Latin American Cosmetics, Personal Care and Home Care Industries
Region: Latin America
Description: With more than 20 years of experience, we represent all the local industry associations and through them, more than 1,000 companies from the sectors that bring their products every day to more than 646 million people in the region.
Our purpose is to promote the wellbeing and care of every family in Latin America. Therefore, we engage with the development of safe, high quality, and innovative products in the industries we represent, to promote positive impacts in the communities of the region.
We cover the markets of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Uruguay.
Organisation: Cosmetics Europe (partner)
Region: EU
Description: Cosmetics Europe is the European trade association for the cosmetics and personal care industry. Our members include cosmetics and personal care manufacturers, and also associations representing our industry at national level, right across Europe.
Organisation: CTFA South Africa (partner)
Country: South Africa
Description: The Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association of South Africa is the industry’s voice committed to maintaining the high quality and safety of cosmetic products.
Organisation: CTPA (partner)
Country: UK
Description: Representing all types of companies involved in making, supplying and selling cosmetic and personal care products, the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association (CTPA) acts as the voice of the British cosmetics industry.
Organisation: IBHA
Country: India
Description: The Indian Beauty & Hygiene Association (IBHA) is the voice of the personal care products industry in India. As a trade association, IBHA plays a pivotal role in advocating public policy through regular government interface thereby protecting our industry's interests. Currently, IBHA has on its roster, large, medium and small organisations in the beauty and personal care space. IBHA’s mission is “To accelerate the development of a trusted hygiene & beauty care industry that serves consumers with products that are effective, safe and environment friendly”.
Organisation: ISCC India (partner)
Country: India
Description: The Indian Society of Cosmetic Chemists is a non-profit organization established in 2003 under the affiliation of International Federation of Society of Cosmetic chemists. ISCC was founded with a view to promote research and knowledge of the Cosmetic Sciences and Personal Care in India. ISCC members are drawn from academics, R&D, consultancy, publications, manufacturers, and packaging & raw materials suppliers across India. The Society organizes regular seminars and supports international scientific events.
Organisation: KTSD
Country: Turkey
Description: KTSD is the common voice of the home and personal care products industry on the legal, scientific and social platforms. As a civil society organization competent on all legal, scientific and social issues shaping the home and personal care products industry according to global norms, our mission is to support the development of the sector in Turkey as well as to ensure the access of consumers to healthy, reliable and high-quality products by raising awareness.
Organisation: PACDI
Country: Poland
Description: The Polish Association of the Cosmetic and Detergent Industry (PACDI) is the organization that operates in the field of the cosmetics and cleaning products industries and it has been operating since 1992. The members of the Association – more than 150 companies are recognized manufacturers and distributors, suppliers of raw materials and other companies cooperating with the cosmetics and detergent industries, including laboratories as well as academic high schools specialising in cosmetology and related disciplines.
Organisation: Personal Care Products Council (PCPC)
Country: USA
Description: Founded in 1894, the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) is the leading national trade association representing cosmetics and personal care products companies and serving as the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, legislative and international issues for the global industry. PCPC’s 600 member companies represent more than 90% of the U.S. beauty industry and are some of the most beloved brands in beauty and personal care today. They manufacture, distribute and supply the vast majority of personal care products marketed in the U.S. and are global leaders committed to product safety, quality and innovation.
Organisation: PUCI
Country: Poland
Description: The Polish Union of the Cosmetics Industry (PUCI), as the only organisation in Poland, represents and supports the strategic goals of entrepreneurs exclusively in the cosmetics industry. For over 18 years it has been an active voice of the sector in the process of law making. It effectively cooperates with institutions of Polish and European administration on a daily basis, and together with member companies it develops and implements solutions that lead to the development of the Polish cosmetics market, which is now fifth in the European Union.
Safety for consumers is a requirement for cosmetic manufacturers all over the world. However, the legal requirements differ. For the first time, the principle of safety assessment of cosmetic products was anchored in the European Cosmetics legislation with the Directive 93/35/EEC (6th Amendment to the EC Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC). Before marketing a product, manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products are required to subject every product to a comprehensive assessment of its safety for human health.
This legal requirement of the EU serves as a model for many other regions now and there, too, safety assessment is required by law. Even in countries where safety assessment is not legally required, manufacturers want to make sure to bring safe products to market for the consumers. These manufacturers often use the requirements of the EU, although the comprehensive documentation does not necessarily have to be carried out.
The training for safety assessors developed by IKW and DGK is of interest for safety assessors all over the world. The combination of web trainings offered by DGK/IKW in combination with seminars at local level - also to allow the practical exchange - is very much appreciated. Therefore, IKW and DGK cooperate with scientific and trade associations all over the world to offer local seminars for the training of safety assessors, also along with trade fairs like HPCI, the NYSCC Suppliers' Day or China Beauty Expo.
Click on the icons on the map above to know more about our cooperations.
For upcoming seminars of our partners or joint seminars, see: