Training Courses for Safety Assessors

As a cosmetic safety assessor, stay up to date on scientific topics and legislation.

Gain interdisciplinary expertise in the fields of chemistry, toxicology, dermatology and cosmetic legislation.

Acquire the additional qualification “DGK Safety Assessor”. This certificate is valid for 5 years.

Our Offer / Our References





Our Offer / Our References





What safety assessors do

Safety assessors evaluate each cosmetic product for its safety to human health - before the product is placed on the market. They are personally responsible for ensuring that the product meets all the health safety requirements of the EC Cosmetic Products Regulation and that the product is safe when used as intended and in a reasonably foreseeable way.

This is why safety assessors exist

The principle of safety assessment of cosmetic products applies throughout the EU and is unique in the world. It was first incorporated into European cosmetics legislation in 1993 with Directive 93/35/EEC. Since then, manufacturers or distributors of cosmetics have been obliged to subject each product to a comprehensive assessment before it is so-called placed on the market, in order to ensure its safety for human health.

Who can become a safety assessor?

In order to perform the demanding task of a safety assessor, certain requirements must be met, which are specified in more detail in the EC Cosmetics Regulation (Article 10(2) of EC Cosmetic Products Regulation 1223/2009). Thus, first of all, a diploma or other proof of formal qualification awarded on completion of a theoretical and practical university course in pharmacy, toxicology, medicine or a similar subject is required.

Our Training Concept

Get more information on our training concept for safety assessors of cosmetic products.

Our Training Courses

DGK developed, together with IKW and university experts, continuing education courses for safety assessors for the first time in 1998. The structure and the content of the courses have been extensively revised and updated in the meantime. More emphasis was placed on their orientation towards practice. The lecturers for these courses are highly qualified experts from the respective disciplines from universities, public authorities and industry, including, for instance, several members of the Cosmetics Commission of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and the EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).

Picture © Marcin Szulżycki (
Picture © Marcin Szulżycki (

Our Training Concept

Get more information on our training concept for safety assessors of cosmetic products.

Additional Qualification “DGK Safety Assessor”

In addition, the certificate “DGK Safety Assessor” can be acquired. This requires successful participation in all seven (as of 2024: eight) courses of the training cycle plus three participations in a seminar for safety assessors (of DGK/IKW and its partner organisations) within three years – provided that a qualification according to Article 10 para. 2 of the EC Cosmetic Products Regulation 1223/2009 is available (minimum M. Sc., Diploma or similar; a Bachelor's degree is not sufficient to obtain the certificate). The certificate is valid for five years and can be extended by providing evidence of attendance at further five seminars or other training events relevant to safety assessors.


About Us

Since 1998, the German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetics (DGK e. V.), together with the German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW), has been offering training courses for safety assessors for cosmetic products. The aim of the training programme is to ensure that safety assessors are always up to date on scientific topics and legislation. This is important because the safety of human health is at stake.
